The Ring Says...
You all probably know this old wives tale, but for those that don't I'll explain. Note: there are about a million different variations of this test, this is just one of them. This test is supposed to tell you the gender of all the children you have been or will ever be pregnant with (including miscarriages), in order. OK, here's how it goes. Take your wedding ring, engagement ring, or some other ring and put it on the end of a thin chain or thread. Hold the end of the chain or thread with your right hand, holding the ring over your left palm. To start, raise the ring up and down 5 times over your palm, but don't touch the ring to your palm. Now, hold the ring a still as possible. The ring will either move in a circular pattern, or a straight line back and forth. Circle = girl, line = boy. The ring will stop and stand still between kids, then start up again. When it stops permanently, you're done.
I did this four separate times and got the exact same results each time. It says: Boy, Girl, Boy, Boy.... Girl. Now, as you all know, we only plan on four. I can think of 3 explanations for #5. 1) The last two are twins (or God forbid, the last three are triplets). 2) We have number 4 and decide that 3 boys and 1 girl sucks and try for another girl. 3) Sadly, one ends up being a miscarriage.
Ok, that's my fun for today. Give it a try and let me know what you get!
9 Week Update
Here is the 9 week link. Nothing too exciting is going on. Even though I've only gained 3.5 pounds, I feel like I'm gonna explode. I have to worst gut bloat ever and I think I'm retaining a few gallons of water. My nausea seems to have gotten very slightly better, although most foods still make me gag (not chocolate luckily). Once there is something to see, I'll post a picture of my tummy... right now all there is is bloat, and I'm sure no one wants to see that...
Getting Rid of the Junk
I finally convinced Aaron to go through all his boxes of "unknown things" that still hadn't been unpacked since we moved into our house (I figured that if he hadn't used it for the 2 years we had been there, then it was garbage. He insisted that there were "important things" in those boxes). It didn't take too much convincing to get him to start going through it since he is now pretty excited about getting the spare room all cleaned out so that we can paint and decorate. I can't believe how much junk we managed to get rid of. It must have been at least 2 very full pickup truck loads. Plus the Street Fighter arcade game went downstairs to Liam's place, and the pinball machine went into storage at the shop. So one day of organizing and the spare room is totally empty and the den is clean and organized (complete with a new filing cabinet to get rid of all the paper mess that drives me crazy - you know, the paper that you can't throw out but there never seems to be a good place to put it). Now to try to decide what color to paint...
7 Weeks and the Nausia Begins...
7 weeks down and our baby is now "the size of a raspberry". Up until now, my tummy has been fine, I haven't felt sick at all. Since last night I have felt totally gross. Every time I think of eating anything I get queasy in the stomach. Today at lunch the only think I could even think about eating was macaroni and cheese (the real kind with noodles and real cheese melted on top, not the kraft dinner kind), so I had to go home at lunch to make some. Hopefully this craziness doesn't last too long...
My first doctor's appointment was pretty boring. Pretty much just "yes, you are pregnant (duh), eat lots of fruits and vegetables, drink lots of milk, and take you prenatal vitamin (duh, duh, and duh)". Oh ya, then there was the "we only want to gain about 25 pounds during the pregnancy... we only need a 7 pound baby you know"........... hahaha.
Next appointment is on May11 where we will get to listen to the heartbeat. Hopefully that one will be more eventful.