Baby Number One

Friday, July 07, 2006

Half way there!

20 weeks, 1 day
more belly pics
Just a quick picture update. Here is the "half way" picture. Still a pretty pathetic tummy. I'm starting to be able to feel kicks on the outside now, but Aaron hasn't been quick enough yet to feel it. Everytime he puts his hand on there the kid stops, so Aaron just thinks I'm making it up.

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

2D Ultrasound

Today was my routine 2D ultrasound at the hospital. The ultrasound tech was really nice and spent lots of time with us looking at all the baby parts. We could even see the brain and the heart, which was pretty weird. As the heart was beating, you could actually see all four chambers working away. The outcome was that everything looked as it shoud, and my due date looked exactly right.

The only problem was that the kid was all curled up in a ball right down low the whole time and so she couldn't quite see what she needed to see for the spine and for where the cord attaches to the belly. Which means, I need to go in again for another ultrasound. I posted the pics that we got. The tech said that she is only aloud to give us one picture, but since her boss wasn't there, she gave us three :) I only posted 2 here because 2 of them are pretty much the same.